Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Lazy Mama Lasagna

Man, we a had busy weekend! We went t o a local theme park on Friday, I shoe shopped with my 3 oldest kids most of the afternoon on Saturday, Easter was fantastic, and Monday was “oh my gosh we are behind in all the yard work” day. I’ll tell you more about my weekend in another post because I want to share with you what I made for supper on Saturday night.
I’ve already said that the kids and I had been out for most of the day on Saturday; I made a quick pit stop to unload shoes and kids then headed out to the grocery store. I so did not want to go but I knew we’d pay for it later if I didn’t go then. So about an hour late,r I was back home and it was 5 o’clock and the critters were hungry. I have really been trying to use my stocked up items and just shop for the fill in stuff soooooo… we had Lazy Mama Lasagna. Oh yeah baby.
If whole fryer chickens are priced right, like 78 cents a pound, I will buy 2 or 3 of them to stock up. I roast one and have that for dinner one night and then I like to cook one in the crock pot all day and do different things with it. I usually have lots of leftover chicken and I freeze some for later use.  Where am I going with this? Leftovers rock. Well they do, but my point was I had leftover chicken so  that was my meat for the lasagna. It was very tender crock pot chicken so yum.
I have had tons of spaghetti sauce and pasta noodles because I bought them on sale and stocked up. We are kind of tired of spaghetti and that is where the inspiration came from for the lasagna. I knew I had the sauce, pasta and chicken, so I bought a big container of cottage cheese and extra mozzarella and dinner was on baby!
First, I boiled the noodles and drained them. Then after spraying my pan I lined the bottom with half of the noodles and left the rest in the colander. I added half the container of cottage cheese in dollops on top of the noodles.
In the same pot I had boiled the pasta in (less dishes makes Lazy Mama a Happy Mama) I heated the pasta sauce and the diced up chicken together. I added some Italian seasoning and salt, because I can’t leave anything alone, and scooped half of that over the noodles and then a layer of mozzarella cheese.
I repeated that pattern one more time and topped it with extra mozzarella and some Parmesan cheese I had left over. I baked it at 350 for 20 minutes and broiled it for a couple more to brown the cheese.
I was disappointed that I let the cheese get too brown. I like it a little less solid, but hey, when you are trying to cook and cool eggs for after-dinner-Easter-egg dying that’s what you get!
It was yummy though, and we are going to have the leftovers tonight with some other leftovers from last night. Holler for leftovers!!

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