Saturday, February 26, 2011

Garden Time

I love to garden. It is the neatest thing to plant something and watch it grow (kind of like having bambinos). I get a real thrill out of eating my own grown veggies. This will be my third year of growing my own veggies. My parents and grandparents always kept big gardens when I was a kid and I helped with those, but now I'm in charge and that is scary. This year I plan a BIG garden. Potatoes, onions, tomatoes, corn, broccoli, green beans, okra, zucchini and whatever else I can get in there. We'll see if it all happens or not.

Keep in mind that I often have lofty aspirations that I don't carry through with. Usually I start out with a bang and then fizzle as life happens in the middle of my grand schemes. I plan to can and freeze tons of food this year. Here's hoping!

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